What is the AGS(HK)?
AGS (HK) stands for the Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists (Hong Kong)
About AGS(HK)
Our Background
There is a good chance that you had never heard of the AGS until you browse this website or that you had heard the acronym mentioned, but were not familiar with the organisation's activities or purpose.
You may also be forgiven for confusing the Association with a learned society or interest group.
You may be interested to know that:
The AGS (HK) was established in 1998.
The original membership comprised a fairly even representation of consultants, contractors, academics and client bodies with what could be described as a "trade association" focus.
The AGS has successfully held a number of popular ground forums, seminars and continuing professional development (CPD) courses, acted in an advisory role in the publication of geotechnical documents and actively participated in the Ground Investigation Working Party (GIWP).